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Love As You Go

Embrace Your Purpose & Love As You Go

We're taught in the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) that one of the most meaningful ways to show love to others is by simply loving folks as we go. The Samaritan didn't change his plans or add anything to his to-do list. He simply took time to see someone God had put in his path and he chose to make time for what mattered most.  He loved well. He didn't change the entire world that day, but it did change the world for the man he stopped to help; it made all the difference!

It's easy to feel too small or too busy to make a meaningful difference in the world. But the world needs who you were made to be. Only you can fill the unique role God has placed you in. Love As You Go isn't about adding more things on your to-do list; it's about intentionally showing up for the people in your path & loving them well. Your everyday moments are filled with opportunities to live out your God-given purpose.
Look for the people God places in your path today!

In a Lavender Field

Ever wondered if you're living out your purpose in life? We're clearly told in the Greatest Commandment (Mark 12:29) that the most important thing we can do with our life is to love (God, others, self).

While the call to love is simple, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the needs in the world and feel disoriented. Where do you even start? 

Joyful Anchor is here to help!

Join the Love As You Go Challenge

Check out our list of simple, yet powerful ways you can love your people well, even with a busy schedule!

  1. Call someone you’ve not spoken to in a while

  2. Leave snacks out for your delivery driver

  3. Take a treat to your hair stylist, nail tech, etc.

  4. Offer to help someone with a chore

  5. Sincerely compliment someone

  6. Write a letter to let someone know you care

  7. Text someone that you’re praying for them

  8. Buy discount flowers from the grocery

  9. Invite a friend over for an at-home spa day

  10. Take a coffee to someone working in the cold

  11. Leave a bigger tip than usual

  12. Encourage someone going through a rough time (illness, death, stress, emotional)

  13. Share a snack with someone from an older generation & listen to their stories

  14. Weed flower beds, rake leaves, or shovel snow for a friend or neighbor

  15. Take a meal to someone who is sick

  16. Invite someone over for dinner

  17. Take time to really listen to someone

  18. Tell someone you love them & explain why

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